Just Parts



Now that I got your attention.  I’m tired of all the drama made about certain body parts. Society acts like they don’t exist, and once they’re revealed, all hell breaks loose.

If you’re male, female, or transgendered you have one of the above body parts.  Look at the penis, it serves a function.  Look at the vagina, life springs fourth from it.

The above photo would be marked as NSFW and censored by the media.  But why?  Hasn’t anyone seen a dick and a clit before?  Also there is nothing sexual about the photo.  Why should it be sexual???  There is no sexual activity or erect penis. Just body parts of a male and a female.

When you see a nude person, ask yourself why mere body parts are X-rated?  Question your conventions.

Nude Photos-The Greater Meaning

During the Labor Day week, many celebrities (like Jennifer Lawrence) had their nude photos leaked on to the Internet

During the Labor Day weekend, many celebrities (like Jennifer Lawrence) had their nude photos leaked on to the Internet

Taking nude photos and sharing them is not just for regular people, but celebrities too.  But the bigger question is why?  As I stated in an earlier post, we have become so disconnected from humanity that nude images have become extraordinary. I think, deep down, people crave nudity.  Sure there is a sexual component, but when people share nude images of themselves, what they’re really saying is “this is me.”

If we all lived in a culture that nudity was normal, no one would care about celebrity nude photos.  Therefore this whole situation really doesn’t matter to me.

The Verge:

“Sending nude selfies is increasingly common behavior”

PS> Please do not share any of these celebrity photos.  They have a right to privacy.  Also, while writing this post, I came across one of these so called “photos” and they’re nothing special. Having been a naturist has made me more aware of all the baggage nudity brings.

Image Gender Imbalance


                                                              Different parts, but both human

I received a comment on my post “Why? (A Question for Non-Naturists)” that sparked some thoughts on nude photos and gender:

“Wouldn’t be too bad if it was a man’s penis on show!!! It seems it’s always the women on show, wonder why?! Want to see more naked men please!!” -The Savvy Senorita

At first glance I thought she was talking about my blog.  I try to post equal amounts of nude male photos and female nude photos.  But as I re-read Savvy Senorita’s comments, she was speaking in more general terms.  Why is it we see more female nudity than male nudity in the media?

I could remember a time when you never saw a male fully naked in movies.  Sure, you saw bare buttocks, but never full frontal nudity.  Showing a penis was an automatic X-Rating, even if it was flaccid.  The only nudity that was acceptable was female nudity.  This has evolved over the years, but you still see more female nudity than male nudity in the movies and photography.

But why is this?  The following are some reasons why female nudity is more prevenient:

  1. Men still call the shots.  Sad but true, most of the movie studios are run by men, most of the media companies are run by men, and most of Silicon Valley is run by men.
  2. Women have a long history of being sex objects.  Western culture is based on exploiting women.  Until recently it was acceptable to sexually harass women in the workplace.  It was all right to demean women sexually and still is.
  3. Art has made female nudity more palpable.  Let’s face it, there is more works of art that portray nude females than nude males.

I’m a naturist and I find both male and female nudity to be equally beautiful.  Nothing is more beautiful than another human being.  The reason why things are the way they are is because of antiquated thought processes.  If we’re to grow and evolve, we must set aside our past conditioning and create a new way of thinking.

Tumblr Page-Marked as “Adult Content”

My Tumblr page has been marked as “Adult Content” by Tumblr.  Which means you must have a Tumblr account and be logged in order to view my page.  I only post pictures of non-sexual nudity and images that exemplify the naturist lifestyle.  

Killing access to my Tumblr page, only to Tumblr users, hurts non-sexual nudity.  And as I’ve said before, people NEED to see non-sexual nudity.  Making nudity obscene, extra ordinary, or censored causes more harm than good.  Problems with body image, sexual deviancy, and self-esteem can all be traced to people’s issues with nudity.   

Update 8/18/2014:

My Tumblr page is now viewable by those without a Tumblr account.  For about a week I could not see my own Tumblr account without first logging in.  Maybe it was just a glitch.

Going Barefoot, Going Nude


I have no data to support my claim, only observation and experience. But I’ve noticed that people who like to walk around barefoot were open to nude recreation.

I once knew young woman who liked to walk around barefoot. She would walk around the mall barefoot or around town barefoot. She liked to skinny dip and hang around the house naked. She even played pool nude with her friends.

Every naturist I’ve met does not like to wear shoes. Does not liking to wear shoes mean you’re a budding naturist? Maybe not. But all the people I’ve met who were naturists first started out going barefoot.